Solutions Oriented

Quality of life improvements while working from home

Episode Summary

In this episode we dive into what you can do to make your life easier while stuck working from home. We're all suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic, so most of us are forcibly working from home. Having spent the last 7 months working from home, I spend this episode illustrating 5 things my SO and I do to keep us productive and relatively sane.

Episode Notes

WFH Tips:

  1. Have a dedicated work area in your home.
  2. Plan out your meals to avoid stressing out over food.
  3. Really dedicate your lunch hour to actively taking a break, using the time to recharge.
  4. Wake up at least 30 minutes before your first meeting or task to get breakfast coffee and get your mind running to avoid being a zombie in meetings.
  5. Have virtual, time-boxed coffee breaks with your colleagues to stay connected.